Estava pesquisando no forum e nao achei nada especifico sobre as diferenças, quanto ao alcance e precisao, entre os tipos de riflagem (ou raias, como quiserem) RETA e ESPIRAL.
É claro que existe a controvérsia sobre os canos riflados para paintball, mas nao existe nada "cientificamente" comprovando ou desmistificando a sua perfomance.
Artigos estrangeiros nao tem nenhuma definiçao sobre superioridade entre um ou outro, com destaque a:
(fonte: ... -accuracy/)""The SPIRAL rate and the depth of the rifling groove is critical to create the right spin for optimal performance and air efficiency. The rifling imparts a slow spin on the ball. This spin helps to resist outside factors that may cause drag on the ball during flight. Although in theory the ball and the inside paint may be rotating at different speeds, the result is still better accuracy. Because the ball is traveling along the grooves of the rifling, less air is used in the process to achieve the same velocity.
The other school of thought involves LINEAR rifling. Linear rifling uses straight grooves cut along the length of the inner bore of the barrel. The purpose is to stop rotation. The theory also has to do with the inherit fact that paintballs are not perfect. Paintballs are not perfectly round and rarely are they filled completely. Very few are uniform in size and will even roll straight on a flat surface. Restricting the rotation of the ball as it is shot out of the barrel removes some of the effects created from the ball’s weight, size and shape flaws. It is thought that spin would exaggerate those effects at certain velocities."
O argumento de que as bolas nao possuem perfeiçao de sua superficie, nem sao completamente cheias, alem do fato de serem 2 materiais de diferente densidade em rotaçao (o recheio e a casca), me faz pensar se as raias RETAS possuem alguma vantagem...
Gostaria de saber se alguem tem experiencia com relaçao aos canos riflados com desenho espiral (HH, Straightline, etc) ou reto (rap4 raptor, etc)!