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Adaptando Rip Clip na A5

Modificações e customização de equipamentos.
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Adaptando Rip Clip na A5

Mensagem por Santos »

Achei muito interessante esse tutorial sobre como adaptar o Rip Clip na A5.
O material esta divulgado no forum M. Carter Brown ... rk-x7.html

Todos os Creditos para o usuário ITSPB-Rogue deste fórum.

Segue uma parte da matéria:

What you need to do this mod:

-An A5 (duh)
-A BT RipClip (duh again)
-Material for an adapter plate (whatever you're comfortable working with, be it plastic, wood, metal, etc. Obviously, wood or plastic would be easiest for those with a limited selection of tools)
-Screws to mount the RC to the plate(unfortunately I'm not sure of the exact size/thread... I believe they're 10-24)
-A longer bolt in the same thread as the Cyclone mounting bolt to hold the plate to the receiver.
-Various tools; hacksaw, files, dremel, drill and bits, sandpaper, etc.

Now, this is going to be a very basic how-to, because I did not have the opportunity to take pics as I built my adapter, and because mine was salvaged from an adapter I originally made to mount the RC to my TM7. What I found was that even with the more sensitive microphone installed, I couldn't get the RC to reliably activate on my TM7... So, knowing full well my A5 would be plenty loud enough to activate it, I decided to modify it to work. As such, building one thats intended for an A5 from scratch will end up looking a lot cleaner and probably involve less work.

The first thing you need to do is procure a RipClip... Once thats out of the way, you need to get yourself some material (plastic, wood, metal, whatever you have the tooling to successfully shape it with) that is at least 3x3x1.5" Bigger would probably be better so you have some margin for error. Remove the clamp section from the Ripclip, and mark the material you're using with the shape of the inside of the RC. Once thats done, you can file/carve/mill/shape your material gradually, checking often for fitment, to make it fit the inside of the RC. For anyone attempting this with limited tools, I HIGHLY recommend using either Shape-Loc plastic (which you can mold by hand while warm and cools into a solid) or just plain old WOOD, because it's cheap, and extremely easy to work with. I'm blessed to have access to a pretty good machine shop at work, so I had a Bridgeport vertical mill to do my dirty work.
This is the shape you're trying to achieve:

Once you've gotten your plate to fit the "in" side of your RC, you can start shaping it to fit the right receiver of the A5... This can be tricky to do if you haven't yet cut off the Cyclone arm... I know a lot of people will look at this part of the mod as a deal-breaker, but new receiver halves are fairly inexpensive and available from I believe UMS also has pre-dehooked right receivers in stock for Qloaded apps. Just make sure that the hook is ground down until it is COMPLETELY flush with the rest of the receiver. This will aid in fitment. DO NOT grind down the two pegs that flank the Cyclone mounting bolt hole, these will help to hold the RC's feedport in perfect alignment with the A5's breech.

Hook removed:
A5 side of the adapter:

Maiores informações podem ser acessadas no fórum M. Carter Brown.

A equipe Review postou um video tutorial interessante sobre esta adaptador industrializado.
Podem acompanhar no link: ... =73&t=7067

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